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Elite Ecology are able to offer a wide variety of bird surveys. We are able to assess areas proposed for development and establish what birds are present. All birds are protected by law during the breeding season, with additional protection given to birds under schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).
Birds are vulnerable to any form of land use change and can have impacts through habitat loss, disturbance, displacement and even mortality. We offer surveys for breeding birds (of all species), specific-species plans of birds under schedule 1 and winter passage and wildfowl surveys.
We are also experienced to be able to provide mitigation and compensation for a wide variety of bird species to ensure their protection at a site.
Winter Bird Surveys
There are many bird species that generally only visit the UK during the autumn and winter. Wintering bird surveys can be carried out from November until the end of February in the following year.
Winter Bird Surveys require up to four surveys, one per month. Information obtained from these surveys can be used to design works to avoid impact on wintering birds and to mitigate for any loss of foraging habitat.
We are licensed to carry out bird surveys anywhere in the UK and our prices for bird surveys start at £350.
Contact Us for a quote